

Welcome to our questions and answers section. Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about our products. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Integration and Compatibility

Integration with Jungheinrich, Still, Linde, Hyster and Toyota is currently possible. Technical integration with other manufacturers is possible in principle. This will be clarified with the manufacturer in advance.

Integration into older vehicles is possible. In case of doubt, this should be checked in advance.

Ongoing service is provided to ensure the best localization performance of the system for the customer. Updates are currently carried out on a regular basis in consultation with the customer.

The installations show a very high level of acceptance among the employees. What is particularly important here is the very transparent approach to implementing the solution. All stakeholders (management, logistics manager, production manager, employee representatives, works council, forklift drivers) should be involved in the installation.

Installation of the system

It depends a lot on the environment. Depending on the complexity of the environment, we can cover about 100 to 500 m² with one camera. As a rule of thumb, we look at 150 to 200 m² per camera. We need a certain amount of redundancy so that object classes can be clearly identified.

Data Security

The system does not generate or store images. Only the coordinates of the incident, object classes and time stamps are output by the system and used to increase safety and prevent accidents.

The use of the data has already been discussed between management and the works council at one customer. As soon as both sides agree, the position information of persons and vehicles can be evaluated. For data protection reasons, it is not possible to evaluate persons.

Costs and Pricing
System costs are primarily characterised by installation costs. When planning individual solutions, the application in the specific environment must be discussed.
There is a fixed price depending on the equipment (server, cameras, participants in the system) and a licence fee. The details are then customised and discussed with the respective customer according to their wishes and conditions.
Further questions
Yes, there is an interface on the vehicle that works via the Wifi signal (2.4 Ghz).

The system is used as an assistance system to support the driver, especially in obscure situations. The driver is ultimately responsible.


If you have any questions about our products or would like a quote, please use our online form.